Maxi log is a new non-settling log for log house builders that makes installation work easier.
Assembly of Hirsiset Maxi log house. Roof on in three days.
Maxi log is a new non-settling log for log house builders that makes installation work easier. Maxi log is significantly taller than regular logs. It is always 360 mm height, but its thickness can be chosen by the customer. In Finland, the energy recommendation requires a log thickness of at least 180 mm. For this reason, the most commonly used Maxi log thickness in Finnish detached houses is 200 mm. However, you can also choose, for example, a 150 mm log suitable for holiday log apartments, as well as 250 mm or 300 mm non-settling logs especially used for larger log buildings.
The Maxi log also differs from a ordinary log that the middle part of the log has a special dry glulam beam. Settling is avoiding because of a specific drying technique as well as the method of using a specially dried glulam beam in the middle. The glue used in Maxi Log´s glulam beam is breathable, formaldehyde-free and internationally certified, and it does not form a waterproof film inside the log.
Maxi log spruce or pine
The non-settling Maxi Log uses either spruce or pine as the material, according to the customer’s request. The main difference between these two materials is mainly the appearance.
The material for the logs comes from domestic, well-managed forests, from which the quality of the trees procured is strictly controlled, and only high-quality wood suitable for log construction is used as material.
Corner solutions
When building a Hirsiset Maxi Log house there are two different corner solutions, City corner and Dove tail corner.

Hirsiset City corner
The City corner solution allows the log layers to run in the same level around the house. The tightness of the corners is ensured by a special “air stop” solution.
The dove tail corner solution respects the traditions of log construction in such a way that tightness is created with the help of construction solutions without separate fasteners. The dovetail joint ensures that the corners of the log house are absolutely tight, draft-free and easy to install.

Hirsiset Dovetail corner
Installation and costs
The installation of the Hirsiset Maxi log house is faster because of the height of the logs. There are fewer layers of logs needed than usual. In a normal-height single-story detached house, only about 7-8 layers of Maxi Logs are needed. Due to the quick installation, the logs have to spend less time on the building site. The installation is done either by the customer or as agreed with the help of partners to the level of readiness desired by the customers. In terms of price, the maxi log is not significantly more expensive than a normal laminated log, and in terms of installation costs, the log pays for itself as the installation speeds up thanks to fewer log layers.