Svaka isporuka drvene kuće se radi prema Vašim željama. Drvena kuća se može dizajnirati i isporučiti prema Vašim nacrtima. Ako želite možete koristiti naš veliki izbor postojećih modela. Pitajte više!

Ovdje pogledajte Karelia kolekciju kuća ili Own Time kolekciju kuća za odmor.


Hirsiset log house collection new dream log house models, where natural light realizes the Scandinavian style of log homes the spacious and homely atmosphere of a bright log house in the living areas.


Hirsiset Karelia kolekcija je dizajnirana prema arhitekturi obnovljenih villa u Karelii. Nazivi u kolekciji su poznate lokacije i destinacije. Kolekcija kombinira tradicionalnu arhitekturu i modernu tehnologiju. Zračna brava – air lock – za vanjske kuteve, Karelia lamelirani trupac i pažljivo promišljeni detalji kao što su utori, stupovi i okviri prozora čine impresivni završni izgled Karelia modela. Umjesto Karelia dizajna možete odabrati tradicionalni Klasični dizajn sa standardnim kutevima, ili moderni Gradski izgled bez vidljivih kuteva.


Hirsiset Own Time kolekcija je dizajnirana za odmor i slobodno vrijeme. Kaže se da vrijeme ne možemo kupiti – no mi u Hirsisetu ne mislimo tako. Pogledajte naše modele drvenih kuća i nađite Vaše Vrijeme – kuću iz kolekcije Own Time – punu ljubavi, topline i sigurnosti. To će postati samo Vaše Vrijeme koje možete dijeliti s Vašim voljenima u godinama koje dolaze.


Hirsiset new River Oulu -log homes collection is fresh, modern and highly customizable to suit everyone’s wishes and needs. From the sauna cabin to the large family home, all new models are designed to meet the needs and requirements of today. We want our log houses to be easy and practical in their everyday lives, without forgetting their beauty. Special attention has been paid to functional space solutions in areas such as the kitchen, utility room and storage space.

One of the key features of a log house is its corner solution. Will you choose a traditional cross corner, a low-key box corner, a modern city corner or an impressive dovetail corner? Do you like an elevated and spacious living area? Especially single-pitched roof structure brings a high ceiling open space to the living area. Almost all models in the collection can be designed with preferable roof format; traditional gable roof, single pitched roof or Nordic pitched roof. The patio solutions, windows dimension, the color of the log house and the small details of interior and exterior create a personalized entirety. Would you like to purchase the specified wooden materials or the ready-to-assemble full log house package? Everything succeeds because we deliver the houses with the delivery content you want.

At Hirsiset we always design a log house together with customer to suit Your needs and preferences. Contact us to start designing your dream home!



Karelia – House collection (pdf)

Omaa Aikaa

Own Time – Leisure and Holiday collection (pdf)

Log Saunas

Hirsiset Sauna – Karelia and Classic collections (pdf)