Casas de troncos de Hirsiset

Su hogar es su lugar más importante y una casa de troncos es una opción que ofrece el entorno ideal para una vida saludable. La investigación muestra que la calidad del aire interior dentro de una casa de troncos es realmente mas saludable. La madera como material de construcción es ecologica y duradera. Hirsiset combina la atmósfera de una casa de troncos moderna con tecnología de construcción moderna.

Construir su propia casa de troncos es uno de los proyectos más importantes y más grandes de la vida. Asegúrese de que su empresa esté en manos seguras y capaces. Hirsiset ha ayudado a muchas familias a realizar sus sueños no solo en Finlandia, sino en muchos otros países del mundo.

Casas de troncos con más de 30 años de experiencia

Montaje de la casa de troncos Hirsiset Maxi. Tejado en tres días.

Participaremos en las próximas ferias en 2024.
¡Bienvenidos a nuestro stand de exposición!

Hirsiset new River Oulu -log homes collection

Hirsiset new River Oulu -log homes collection is fresh, modern and highly customizable to suit everyone’s wishes and needs. From the sauna cabin to the large family home, all new models are designed to meet the needs and requirements of today.

Check out the collection or download a free brochure!

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Why log?

Why log? A log is a versatile building material that enables many kinds of log home dreams. The log is excellently suitable for house construction, yard buildings, as well as a building material for schools and kindergartens. Log houses are suitable to different landscapes, creating a homely and calming environment. Life is good in a…

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The log house is an ecological choice

Log houses are good for the environment Wood is the only renewable construction material. Forests have the ability to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it. Every log building is a carbon storage! The carbon footprint of log walls of the house in the picture is 2900 kgCO2e. This amount of carbon dioxide…

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The ecology of the log

The ecology of the log The ecological of the log house is an important value. The lifestyle that strives for ecology and environmental friendliness is one of the reasons why log houses are increasingly popular. Unlike other buildings, the log house is also reusable. A log frame that is even hundreds of years old can…

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Maxi Log

Maxi log is a new non-settling log for log house builders that makes installation work easier.   Assembly of Hirsiset Maxi log house. Roof on in three days. Maxi log is a new non-settling log for log house builders that makes installation work easier. Maxi log is significantly taller than regular logs. It is always…

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